Project Profile: Health Partners Specialty Center
Amcon Concrete Products and TCC Materials have recently partnered with Wheeler Lumber and David Harris Construction to supply block and sealer to a replace a deteriorated segmental retaining wall located at the Health Partners Specialty Center in St. Paul, MN. The project is located adjacent to the facility’s heavily salted parking garage entrance ramp. Over time, the salt and de-icing chemicals have worn away at the block leaving voids and threatening the integrity of the structure. David Harris Construction addressed the issue by constructing a new wall in front of the existing wall with 300 sq. ft. of Keystone Compac III block provided by Amcon Concrete Products. Because of the space constraints, there were limited options for wall reinforcement.
The solution was to use 10 cu. yd. of no-fines concrete mixed onsite with a blend of TCC Material’s Tech-Mix Portland Cement and aggregate to provide additional wall strength and proper drainage. TCC’s Tenon Salt Barrier was applied to the wall following installation as an extra layer of protection against salt and other de-icing chemicals. TCC Materials recommends applying Salt Barrier or Salt Barrier WB to any concrete surface which is regularly exposed to de-icing chemicals annually for best results.
How are Tenon Salt Barrier & Salt Barrier WB applied? Tenon Salt Barrier & Tenon Salt Barrier WB are applied using a low-pressure sprayer equipped with PVC, viton, or other compatible fittings and hoses. It should be applied evenly and sufficiently in order to wet the surface completely. Check out our video to see the application process firsthand. For best results, apply Salt Barrier from the top down and Salt Barrier WB from the bottom up.